In Nigeria, provision of public infrastructure is grossly inadequate and poor. Necessary telecommunication services, as public infrastructure, needed for meaningful investment are lacking and, where found, are very costly. Teledensity in Nigeria is still very low.
The introduction of the GSM in Nigeria was to expand the teledensity in the country and to make telephone services cheaper and accessible to the common person as it had been introduced in some African countries like South Africa, Ghana, and Benin Republic among others. GSM is ICT based telecommunication that can contribute to the growth and development of any nation.
The objectives of this work were to examine the impact of ICT on the Nigerian economic growth and development, to identify ways by which ICT can contribute to economic growth and development, and to determine the factor limiting the use of ICT in all sectors of the Nigerian economy. Research questions and hypothesis were analysed in other to achieve the specified objectives after which recommendations were made.
Statement of the Research Problem
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Background to the Study
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